Maryland Sheep and Wool or BUST

Thursday, October 19, 2006

P(r)issy Premier

TODAY of all days, the first day of my Blog

I wanted to be here..........
A wheel, a woman, a warm sun.
Is there anything more?

But I had to be here......

A Sub(urban) High School

"Chalked" full of teenagers

Just to make myself go this morning I had to sing my morning song that goes like this...

"Gotta go to work today, If I don't then I won't get paid. And we'll have no food to eat or socks on our feet. Sooo... I Gotta go to work today. "

The pookie 5 year old cuddled up with me singing backup said" but mommy, you can just make socks...and indeed I can!. Just finished my first pair of them anyway.

Paton's Kroy some generic Paton's pattern and size 3 dps that by my knitting groups standards seem on the order of kindergarten pencils but all the same cuz' pookie 5 year old has announced she's not wearing them because they are not pink and tight.

More later...perhaps I will have recovered and be less pissy and more prissy.


rebecca said...

wow! my first comment. I think I will hang it on my classroom wall like a "first dollar bill."

Hannah said...

Congratulations on entering Blogland! We just got back from a surprise trip to Rhinebeck. You'll have to come next year!