A LOT has happened in the last 9 months- check the new man (right) in my lifehttp://www.ourguythai.blogspot.com/ . Wonderful, transformational, terrific and now it's time to get back to the needles more than the 1/2 hour I've been able to eek out each week after cookies, wine and gossip at Tangled Skein on Wednesdays. SO here's the story...
I'm at my favorite second hand boutique and just as I was leaving I saw it , a knitting machine. Now I have a Bond "Incredible Sweater Machine" that, in all fairness has provided me with many afternoons of entertainment and lots of blanks to dye and re-knit. If you don't know about this fanciful idea check out how cool it is here
I'm at my favorite second hand boutique and just as I was leaving I saw it , a knitting machine. Now I have a Bond "Incredible Sweater Machine" that, in all fairness has provided me with many afternoons of entertainment and lots of blanks to dye and re-knit. If you don't know about this fanciful idea check out how cool it is here

It has it's very quirky side though, and if not purchased with a Joann's 1/2 off coupon, I might have felt a bit upset by it's performance. Casting on is hard and it gets stuck mmmm" jammed" in K.M. (knitting machine) talk and really needs weights which are not included and so people construct them out of bent forks and fishing tackle- no I am not kidding.
But this machine, the thrift store one looks like a winner it has a little yarn tension antennae and a big carriage. It's a Singer LK100 and I find out that "Singer" and "Studio" are synonymous in K.M. land and that 30 bucks for an used one is good. I take it out and start playing with it- What a hoot, in 10 minutes I have a piece of stockinette large enough to be a baby blanket.
But this machine, the thrift store one looks like a winner it has a little yarn tension antennae and a big carriage. It's a Singer LK100 and I find out that "Singer" and "Studio" are synonymous in K.M. land and that 30 bucks for an used one is good. I take it out and start playing with it- What a hoot, in 10 minutes I have a piece of stockinette large enough to be a baby blanket.
Very quickly I became obsessed- this could be the answer to my SMYSLT (so much yarn so little time) problem. Plus it is just cool AND my daughter will do it with me. But it is plastic, a hobby machine, they call it and it does just what it does- No ribber, no fancy stitches, no clever little hole punched cards to make automatic design.